AI Training Programs
Reimagine offers two training programs in order for you and your organization to become up-to-date with the fast evolving domain of Artificial Intelligence. Following these programs will bring your knowledge up to a level that you can start successful implementations of AI related projects within your organization and eventually end up with a real AI Center of Excellence. Dependent on your prior knowledge and your desires, we may start off this learning process with a growth session of half a day. Besides of that we have two interactive courses: an AI Discovery Course (1 day) for everyone who wants to know more about this field and an AI Booster Course (3 days) for everyone who already has some basic knowledge about it and who is keen to discover how AI could be applied succesfully in an organization.
Our courses are given in English, Dutch or French and, based on your desires, we can focus on the more functional aspects, the more technical aspects or we can find a good balance between the two. Since we strongly believe that active learning is the best way to get involved in all the complexities of Artificial Intelligence, our courses are given in an interactive way. Doing so, we are sure that our participants take the most out of it.
AI Discovery Course
The AI Discovery Course is a 1 day program where we will teach you the basics of Artificial Intelligence. You will get a mix of theory, real life examples and best practices that will give you insight in the working and application methods of AI inside your company strategy.
AI Booster Course
The AI Booster Program is a 3 day program where we will deep dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence and how it can be successfully applied in large and medium-sized organizations. Through an interactive and engaging mix of theory, scientifically proven frameworks, real-live examples, business insights and best practices we will take you on a journey regarding the reality and strategies of AI technologies today and in the future.